Fernando Bryce works in the medium of ink drawing. The drawings are always based on transcriptions of found images such as book-covers, magazines, advertisements and posters he painstakingly copies in ink creating a new texture and narrative. Fernando Bryce refers to this process as " mimetic analysis".
Wang Du is often transforming cultural products into new and different material works. The impressive work is called ‘Tapis volant’ – and is the cover of Time Magasine, February 2003 when the Columbia space shuttle was lost. The cover is transformed into a huge carpet: 100 m2 made of hand woven New Zealand wool.
http://www.baronianfrancey.com/ artists/15-wang-du
Fred Wilson's unique artistic approach is to examine, question, and deconstruct the traditional display of art and artifacts in museums. With the use of new wall labels, sounds, lighting, and non-traditional pairings of objects, he leads viewers to recognize that changes in context create changes in meaning.
http://www.moma.org/exhibitions/1999/wilson/index.html |